Alates 01.05.2022 on foorum vaid lugemiseks. Selleks on peamiselt kaks põhjust: portaal "kolis ümber" platvormi viimasele versioonile, kuid kahjuks pole veel välja lastud foorumi komponendi töövalmis versiooni ning eesti keelset tõlget. Samuti on viimastel aastatel olnud probleemid spämmijatega, kes murravad läbi ka spämmikaitsest.

  • Aitäh 11000 foorumipostituse eest ning loodetavasti kohtume uuesti tulevikus!

Vaba mikrofon. Räägi, millest hing ihaldab :)

4 years 8 months ago #11092 by Hein
Otoliidi tuuma isotoopide kaudu tuletatakse emaskala elukoht marja moodustumise ajal. Sealt siis ka see väide, et ema kas meri- või jõeforell.
4 years 8 months ago #11093 by scuba
Kui aga merikas on jäänud üheks marja moodustumise ajaks jõkke annab see kohe võltsjõeka.

4 years 8 months ago #11094 by nipi
Ja siis on merikafännide elu otsas ja maailm kokku varisenud...
4 years 7 months ago #11122 by nipi
Huvitav seik kus õngeritv oli relvaks....

1874,a,. USA, Montana

On the 2d of June, 1874, Companies G and K, under Captain G. L. Browning, were
ordered to old Fort Lewis, Montana, for the purpose of protecting travellers and
wagon trains over the Carroll road, between Camp, Baker and Carroll, arriving on
the 25th.

On the 7th of July a war party of from fifty to eighty hostile Sioux made their ap-
pearance within a mile of Camp Lewis, firing upon a fatigue party procuring wood
for the camp, and also upon a small number of recruits who were fishing in the
creek near the wood party.
A detachment of mounted men from the two companies, under Lieutenant Wright,
7th Infantry, proceeded at once to the scene of the attack, followed by the compa-
nies under Captain Browning.
The Indians being mounted on fleet ponies and the companies on foot, they were
unable to intercept them. The mounted men however followed on the trail and over-
took them in a ravine about fifteen miles from camp, immediately opening fire upon
them, which was returned by the Indians.
After a sharp skirmish of a few minutes, the Indians fled.
The detachment recaptured eight head of stock which had been run off from a ranch
near camp.
The horses of the detachment being too much jaded to follow the Indians any further,
the command returned to camp.
Three unassigned recruits were killed in this affair, one of whom was scalped.
Private Davis, Company G, was severely wounded in the right hand, while bravely
defending himself with his fishing pole, that being his only means of defense.


Forty Miles a Day on Beans and Hay: The Enlisted Soldier Fighting the Indian…, p47

4 years 5 months ago - 4 years 5 months ago #11156 by scuba
Sain mõne oma paariaastataguse kala kohta infot.Teadustöödes parima kasvukiirusega jõe kala oli 6 aastasena ca 600-700 g kergem kui salajõgede üle kahesed.ka pikkuse vahe oli vastav.St 6 aastased olid 2,2 kg näiteks .Ühelgi meres sugulasi polnud.
Last edit: 4 years 5 months ago by scuba.
4 years 5 months ago #11157 by Jeekim
Huvitav oleks näha kalade pikkuste tagasivaadet määratuna aastate kaupa.
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